Undergrad Virtual Experiences as a Recruitment Tool for Underrepresented Students in STEM
We will develop a network of investigators dedicated to developing transformative virtual field experiences for lower division underserved and underrepresented students at Community Colleges (CCs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges (TC), and other institutions that serve these students. The Research Coordination Network for Undergraduate Virtual Experiences as a Recruitment Tool for Underrepresented Students in STEM will make field biology experiences accessible through virtual technologies.
toGreen Music Center's 2023-2024 Season Programs
This grant will support a portion of the artist fees for the presentation of performances and artist-led educational activities for students at Sonoma State University and local K-12 schools during the Green Music Center's 2023-2024 season.
toCultural Resources Management Services
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will perform cultural resource management services for Calfire based upon on-call task orders issued throughout the period of performance of the grant term.
toConduct Inventory of Cultural Items Housed within the Roseland School District Museum
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct inventory of Native American cultural items currently housed at the Roseland School District Museum (Museum), and to engage in consultation with Native Californian tribal communities to determine the cultural affiliation of these items. Creating an inventory of all cultural items currently housed within the Museum is a necessary first step towards compliance with the Native American Graves Protections and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and California Native American Graves Protections and Repatriation Act (CalNAGPRA).
toWatershed Academics to Enhance Regional Sustainability (WATERS) Collaborative 2023-2025
Under this Agreement, SSU will provide research and investigation services to improve the effectiveness of Sonoma Water's stream maintenance, water supply, energy, and sanitation services. In addition, SSU will train students in water research techniques, develop water-related research grants for SSU faculty, and conduct a water research symposium for faculty and students.
toCalifornia Estuary Marine Protected Area Monitoring Program
This continued funding for estuarine Marine Protected Area (MPA) monitoring will allow for further refinement of pilot protocols and support critically important long-term monitoring of an understudied suite of MPAs in California's Network. Data collected during the 2023 season will inform the development of the MPA Monitoring Action Plan and provide insight into climate impacts and resiliency of the MPA Network to climactic perturbations within estuarine systems.
toCalifornia Estuary Marine Protected Area Monitoring Program
This continued funding for estuarine Marine Protected Area (MPA) monitoring will allow for further refinement of pilot protocols and support critically important long-term monitoring of an understudied suite of MPAs in California's Network. Data collected during the 2023 season will inform the development of the MPA Monitoring Action Plan and provide insight into climate impacts and resiliency of the MPA Network to climactic perturbations within estuarine systems.
toBuilding Kelp Forest Restoration Science and Capacity within the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
This project will be conducted by Sonoma State University to support restoration of kelp forests by the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Building on our decades of experience in kelp forest ecology, aquaculture and restoration with our partners at Moss Landing Marine Labs, we will help GFNMS to build scientific and restoration capacity for kelp forests in the northern California region.
toKelp Enhancement in the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
This project will be conducted by Sonoma State University to support restoration of kelp forests by the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Specifically, we will build on existing grants to develop a kelp culturing program for the GFNMS, this award will allow us to add kelp restoration via transplanting of our laboratory-reared kelp to field sites within the Sanctuary targeted for restoration.
toGalbreath Prescribed Burn Demonstration Site and Public Trainings
This project sets the stage to establish the Galbreath Wildlands Preserve as a prescribed burn demonstration site for fuel reduction, ecological and cultural objectives. Through on-going public events, the site will give community members first-hand experience comparing these approaches, and gaining the knowledge and skills needed by the community to re-introduce prescribed fire as a land management tool in southern Mendocino County.