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Interpretive Panels at Eagles' Landing Park

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC), in collaboration with representatives from the Northern Valley Yokut tribe, will develop content for three (3) interpretive panels to be installed at Eagles’ Landing Park in Lathrop, California.


Archaeological Study in Support of Four Prescribed Burn Projects

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct a cultural resources survey and reporting for four Marin Water Prescribed Burn Project areas. Marin Water is proposing to conduct a series of prescribed fires over a total of 303 acres on Marin Water property.


Scaling an Innovated STEM and Computing Education Support (STEMACES) Model for Improved Science Learning

Laura Peticolas

This project will meet the needs of rural, high-poverty, and emergent-bilingual Spanish-English communities to increase student achievement in science by scaling a moderate-evidence-based, three-component model. The components are i) three units of hands-on, injury, and standards-based STEM curriculum, ii) evidence-based Professional Development (PD), and iii) sustainable teacher support.


Archaeological Survey for Alameda Parcel at Alameda Tesla Property

Thomas Whitley

State Parks is preparing a Park Classification and General Plan for the Alameda-Tesla property and requires archaeological survey work for the project. The Anthropological Studies Center at Sonoma State University (ASC) conducted archaeological surveys of the park from 2008-2010. The work proposed here would relocate 55 previously recorded sites, in the western section of the SVRA (the Alameda Parcel; as previously surveyed), and record new sites in areas that were not previously surveyed.


The S.T.O.R.M. (SocioTechnical Operational Risk Management) Prototype Project

John Sullins III

The S.T.O.R.M. (SocioTechnical Operational Risk Management) project was awarded to PI- Dr. John P. Sullins (SSU), Co-PI Dr. Ryan Jenkins (Cal Poly), and Dr. Patrick Lin (Cal Poly).  A prototype resource is being developed to prudence a tool that can be used by the DOD in analyzing the ethical impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) assets that are used in the US military or that the US military is considering deploying.  


Archaeological Survey for Alameda Parcel at Carnegie SVRA

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will provide an archaeological survey in support of the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Diablo Range District's Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Are (SVRA). The Carnegie SVRA is a 4,675-acre off-highway vehicle (OHV) park overseen by the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division and operated by the Diablo District of State Parks. The SVRA is located within unincorporated Alameda and San Joaquin Counties, approximately 15 miles east of Livermore and 12 miles west of Tracy.


Making Micromobility Work: Exploring Public Opinion to Inform Policy, Infrastructure & Technology

Kevin Fang

This project will explore public perceptions on “micromobility” transportation, such as e-scooters, e-bikes, and motorized skateboards, which have emerged in cities around the world in recent years. The research team will conduct a survey of US adults. Survey topics will include perceptions of safety for both micromobility riders and pedestrians, the potential for micromobility as a first/last mile solution for public transit riders, and road management issues.


Campus Sexual Assault (CT) Program - Year 5

Jerlena Griffin-Desta

Sonoma State University will conduct the Campus Sexual Assault (CT) Program for a fifth year, that offers survivors of sexual violence comprehensive and coordinated services that are survivor/victim-centered, enhances campus safety, provides confidential services to survivors/victims of sexual assault, and includes comprehensive outreach activities that educates and informs all students, staff, and faculty of campus policies and resources regarding sexual assault/ misconduct and increases student awareness, with a focus on underrepresented populations.


Exploring E-Bike Safety Performance Data and Policy Options

Kevin Fang

This project will produce a report on e-bike safety as commissioned by the California state legislature in Senate Bill 381 (2023). The team will explore existing research on e-bike safety and conduct data analysis on crashes, injuries, fatalities, and the factors behind those events. The team will also look at e-bike policies around the country and world, particularly in places with stronger bike safety performance.


Archaeological Data Recovery Project in Sacramento, CA

Mark Selverston

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will assist with cultural resources work in downtown Sacramento during replacement of an electrical substation. ASC anticipates providing an unspecified mix of professional services over the duration of the field recovery and laboratory processing. 
