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Summer 2025 NEH Institute: Future Earth Climate Story

Kim Hester-Williams

The Future Earth Climate Story is a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) summer institute for 25 secondary teachers from across the country who, through a competitive application process, are chosen to participate in a 2-week interactive exploration of ideas and multimodal praxis that will be held on SSU's campus.


Office of Historic Preservation Northwest Information Center 24-25

Bryan Much

Through this cooperative agreement, the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) supports the fulfillment of the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) obligations by 1) gathering, managing, and providing access to the statewide inventory of historical resources within the NWIC’s 18 county region; 2) providing guidance in the use and interpretation of historical resources information: and 3) providing broad public education in support of cultural heritage preservation including internships and volunteer opportunities here at Sonoma State University. 


Stantec Master Service Agreement: National Historic Preservation Act Section 106

Mark Selverston

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will complete a National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 compliance oversight and review for Stantec and California Department of Water Resources at the McCabe Project PFDF-01.


Clipper Yacht Harbor Basin Archeological Monitoring

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct an archeological monitoring program for the proposed Clipper Yacht Harbor in Sausalito, California.



Central Subway Project-Final Phase

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will complete a display case exhibit featuring archaeological artifacts unearthed during construction of the SF MUNI Chinatown Station. The display case will be professionally installed by Work of Art installers next to the existing interpretive panel at the Chinatown Station. ASC will collaborate with the Chinese Historical Society of America for input on the interpretive content of the display case. The completed exhibit will be inside of a secured display case, installed at the SF MUNI Chinatown Station.



California State University Louis Stokes STEM Pathways and Research Alliance (CSU-LSAMP) (2024-2029)

Sam Brannen

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an NSF sponsored program designed to broaden participation in science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) disciplines and contribute to the national agenda to increase the number of Underrepresented Minorities (URM) receiving baccalaureate degrees, and ultimately Ph.Ds., in STEM disciplines.  The CSU-LSAMP program at SSU provides:

          • Reimbursement for required STEM textbooks and materials


Effects of post-wildfire resprouting on forest structure to inform future fuels management

Lisa Bentley

In this project Lisa and Dawson will analyze existing laser scans of California bay laurel trees with basal resprouts across two study sites in Northern California to examine their size post-fire and the relationship of size to fire severity. These results will be crucial to help predict the effects of future wildfire on the surface and ladder fuel loads of areas with California bay laurel trees.



RCN-UBE: A Network for Facilitating Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems

Claudia Luke

Sonoma State University (SSU) will create a series of four “Live from the Field” (LFTF) events that target OCELOTS objectives. Working with OCELOTS, CEI will modify the existing TVF LFTF format to increase engagement in OCELOTS modules of MSI instructors and students. SSU will additionally update an existing student survey to better incorporate OCELOT learning goals. The survey will be designed to allow faculty to use the survey independently to assess the impacts of the experience on their students.


FAFSA Completion Initiative Grant

Rose Calzontzi

This project seeks to increase the FAFSA completion rates of TRIO SSS participants at Sonoma State University by providing advising that demystifies the process and provides individualized assistance for completing the FAFSA.



Investigation of the Chinese Community of North Bloomfield and Development of Interpretive Enhancements, Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, Nevada County

Mark Selverston

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct a study of the historical Chinese population at Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, Nevada County. The intent of the project will be to investigate and interpret the history of the Chinese community of the gold rush town of North Bloomfield, located in the park, and to identify and assess cultural resources associated with that population.
