Cultural Resources Study and Archaeological Subsurface Testing at 8445 Cabrillo Hwy, Montara, San Mateo County, California
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct a cultural resources study and subsurface testing at 8445 Cabrillo Highway, San Mateo County, California. The cultural resources study is being prepared to support environmental review documentation required by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Rural Development’s Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP). The final cultural resources study report will address Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
toReimagining Latinx Studies: A Curriculum Revision for 21st Century Skills in Gender, Indigenous and Central American Perspectives
In line with the call to advance and expand Ethnic Studies in the California State University System, the Reimagining Latinx Studies project aims to revise the Chicano and Latino Studies (CALS) curriculum at Sonoma State University (SSU). This curriculum revision intends to address academic trends and academic demands of our growing Chicanx and Latinx student population. As the fastest-growing population in the U.S.
toGreen Music Center Programming 2025
The County of Sonoma Arts Impact Grant for Organizations (AIGO) funding will support the Green Music Center in 2025 in our effort to present a diverse array of the most compelling artists of our time who will engage audiences on and off our stages. Using our platform to work toward cultural equity, programming.
toEast Bay Subscription 24-26
The State Office of Historic Preservation has designated the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) as one of nine Information Centers located throughout the state. The East Bay Regional Park District is a system of parklands and trails in Alameda and Contra Costa counties to the east of San Francisco, totaling over 125,000 acres. This agreement delivers cultural resource data in digital packages on a semi-annual schedule over a three-year period to the East Bay Regional Park District.
toDiablo Canyon Lands - South Ranch Cultural Resources Inventory
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will assist with a Cultural Resources Inventory of Pacific Gas and Electric’s (PG&E) Diablo Canyon Lands – South Ranch Study Area. The ASC will conduct limited Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) analysis both within the Diablo Canyon power plant and in areas within the South Ranch Study Area. The goal of this project is to determine the efficacy of Ground Penetrating Radar to identify features and to within the PG&E property.
to2024-2025 College Service Grant: First-generation Service Fellows Program
The First-generation Service Fellows program will provide professional development and micro-grants to first-generation students in order to support the development and implementation of new student-led service projects.
toAmache Recreation Hall Interpretive Exhibits
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will complete the development, outreach, fabrication, and installation of Amache Recreation Hall interpretive exhibits to meet the site’s new interpretive needs and standards since the site has become part of the National Park Service (NPS) system. Inclusion in NPS has altered the standards which exhibit fabrication, installation, and design are required to meet. This project will develop and install the first interpretive components on site since NPS designation and will therefore require further collaboration and review.
toDiverse Educators United for Growth and Learning in Northern California
Through a variety of initiatives EDUCA NORCAL aims to recruit, support, and retain diverse teachers. These initiatives include: supporting existing teacher residency programs; expanding to a new residency program; creating and implementing an online bilingual authorization program (not to replace the existing in-person BILA program); providing scholarships; and, creating affinity/identity groups.
PUERTA: Preparando Hispanic Estudiantes Realizando Their Ambitions
The aim of PUERTA (Preparando Hispanic Estudiantes Realizando Their Ambitions) is to increase postsecondary education access, affordability, completion, and post-enrollment success for Hispanic, first generation and low-income students matriculating in pre/professional (Pre-Health, Pre-Nursing and Pre-Teaching) pathways.
toCalFresh Outreach FFY 2024-2027
Sonoma State University has a Basic Needs Program that includes integrated support for students who are food insecure. Included in our program is support for students in accessing CalFresh subsidies. Our CalFresh team will be overseen by a case worker and will include student interns. In collaboration with community partners, this team will do outreach to inform the student community of CalFresh through public events, social media, educational class presentations, and referrals from faculty, staff and other students.