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Engaging Autistic STEM Undergraduates in Creating Supportive Learning Environments

Lynn Cominsky

Professor Lynn Cominsky will oversee the work done at Sonoma State University, as well as coordinating the efforts with CSU east Bay and CSU Chico. She will oversee the budgets, provide administrative support to execute the subawards to each institution, and work collaboratively with Profs. Blagrave and Kashinath to identify suitable STEM students at each institution for input into the study, and collate the results of the working groups at each campus. Prof.


East Bay Regional Park District On-Call

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will assist the East Bay Regional Park District with various Cultural Resource Management work as needed on an on-call contract. The future projects will include but are not limited to pedestrian surveys, GPR surveys, drone 3D modeling, construction monitoring, Cal NAGPRA consultation, and any other task order requests by the district.


Eclipse Megamovie 2024: Characterizing Transient Plasma Flows and Jets in the Solar Corona (EM2024)

Laura Peticolas

Sonoma State University (SSU)’s EdEon STEM Learning team and Physics and Astronomy Department, together with the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, will enlist a team of citizen scientists to explore and characterize how superheated gas (plasma) flows through the corona and chromosphere. Over 100 citizen scientists will be trained to take photographs of the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse. After the eclipse, the project will provide over 1,200 eclipse photos to scientists and the public.


Timber Cove (Sonoma Coast) Kelp Restoration 2023-2025

Brent Hughes

Kelp forests in the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (GFNMS), specifically Sonoma and Marin Counties have declined dramatically over the last decade due to climate change and the cascading legacy effects of overhunting of sea otters in the 19th century. We and our partners at GFNMS and Moss Landing Marine Labs have developed techniques to successfully restore lost kelp forests.


Implement an Archaeological Monitoring Program for Electrical Utilities Replacement, USCG Station, in Cape Disappointment, WA

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will implement an Archaeological Monitoring Plan (AMP) during ground- disturbing activity. The purpose of the project will be to determine, to the extent possible, the presence or absence of archaeological resources and to identify whether any archaeological resource that may be encountered on the project site constitutes an NRHP-eligible resource under.



Nader Oweis

Sonoma State University endeavors to strengthen its emergency communication capabilities by partnering with the County of Sonoma, and specifically the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department T-Comm Bureau, to acquire and install upgraded critical radio equipment to respond to domestic terrorism (e.g. active shooter, arson, sideshow, etc.) incidents to save lives, protect property, apprehend suspects, and reduce the impacts of critical incidents that may occur on or around the University.


Engaging Community Colleges Students through a Residential, Pre-transfer Summer Research Program

Thomas Targett

Engaging Community Colleges in Collaboration (EC3) aims to develop a collaboration between Sonoma State University (SSU), a primarily undergraduate four year institution, and two community colleges, Mendocino College (MC) and Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC), to bring community college students from these partner schools to SSU to engage in experiential learning and experience a four year campus before they apply for transfer.

2022 Integrated Teacher Preparation Program Planning Grant

Lisel Murdock-Perriera

The award is for the Create an Integrated Teacher Preparation Program for the PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Program (ITPP-PK3). This grant will pay for faculty and staff time to prepare all documentation and materials needed for CSU and California Commission on Teacher Credentialing approval of the ITPP-PK3, faculty time for professional development with local teachers, and compensation of personnel from school districts, Santa Rosa Junior College, and the Sonoma County Office of Education for consultation on the design of the program.


Archaeological Monitoring Services MEN-20 Chamberlain Creek, Mendocino County

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will perform archaeological monitoring services for Mercer-Fraser Company for the Caltrans storm damage repair work on MEN-20 near PM 17.00. The work is taking place in the vicinity of Camp 20, a known tribal site and historic-era logging camp.


Cultural Resources Study of Monte Rio Redwoods Regional Park and Open Space Preserve

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will perform a cultural resources study for the proposed Monte Rio Redwoods Regional  Park and Open Space Preserve (MRRRP), Monte Rio, Sonoma County, California. MRRRP is approximately 515 acres along Dutch Bill Creek, but the proposed survey area is approximately 250 acres, which will include trails, areas along Dutch Bill Creek, and potential public access or use areas. The cultural resources study is being prepared to support an IS/MND and Master Plan.
