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Conduct Inventory of Cultural Items Housed within the Roseland School District Museum

PI: Thomas Whitley
School or Division: School of Social Sciences
Sponsor: Roseland School District
Calendar Start & End Date: -
Funding Amount: $32,000

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct inventory of Native American cultural items currently housed at the Roseland School District Museum (Museum), and to engage in consultation with Native Californian tribal communities to determine the cultural affiliation of these items. Creating an inventory of all cultural items currently housed within the Museum is a necessary first step towards compliance with the Native American Graves Protections and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and California Native American Graves Protections and Repatriation Act (CalNAGPRA). The ultimate goal of this work is to determine the appropriate ownership of any items identified to be Native American cultural items.