Green Music Center's Commission of Liz Lerman's Wicked Bodies (Sonoma)
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has funded the Green Music Center to commission Wicked Bodies (Sonoma) by Liz Lerman. It is an evening-length, dance-theater piece that wonders about the persistence across time and culture of old crones, evil stepmothers, and the use of the body as a source of fear by institutions. Lerman and her company will create this piece with SSU faculty and students, as well as members of the surrounding communities, and the premiere will take place at Green Music Center.
to, Green Music Center's Commission of Liz Lerman's Wicked Bodies (Sonoma)
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has funded the Green Music Center to commission Wicked Bodies (Sonoma) by Liz Lerman. It is an evening-length, dance-theater piece that wonders about the persistence across time and culture of old crones, evil stepmothers, and the use of the body as a source of fear by institutions. Lerman and her company will create this piece with SSU faculty and students, as well as members of the surrounding communities, and the premiere will take place at Green Music Center.
toRecord the Jamison City Site and Create a Public Interpretation Enhancement, Plumas-Eureka State Park in Plumas County, CA
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct investigations and create an interpretive element of a Gold Rush-era mine camp named Jamison City located within Plumas-Eureka State Park, Plumas County. Studies will include archival research and archaeological field survey to document the vestiges of the site. The interpretive component will weave together the findings into a presentation using unspecified media. A brief movie or other digital production to enhance the museum is anticipated to tell the colorful story of the rough and tumble Jamison City.
toSpace & Earth Informal STEM Education (SEISE) Project
Working with the Science Museum of Minnesota, SSU faculty, staff, and students create, test, and review hands-on activity toolkits and professional development opportunities & resources for museums and science center staff and volunteers. This work is a part of NASA's Space and Earth Informal STEM Education Project. Dr.
toCaltrans On-Call Cultural Resources Monitoring 2020-2023
This project is a three-year extension of the Anthropological Studies Center’s on-call contract with Caltrans District 4, Office of Environmental Maintenance, to provide professional and technical services in delivering maintenance projects with compliance needs involving cultural resource identification, evaluation, and mitigation.
toCaltrans NAGPRA Support 2020-2025
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will continue efforts towards the repatriation of Native American human remains and associated funerary items, and if present, unassociated funerary objects, objects of cultural patrimony, and sacred objects (collectively referred to as cultural items) housed at ASC.
toDo Habitable Worlds Require Magnetic Fields? (MACH Center)
The NASA Heliophysics' DRIVE Center, MACH (Magnetic fields, Atmospheres, and the Connection to Habitability) brings together a scientifically diverse team to tackle this question. This Phase I effort is focused on constructing tools using observations, computer simulations, and theory to evaluate the influence of a global magnetic field on the escape of charged particles, with emphasis on Venus, Earth and Mars.
toInterstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe Student Collaboration (IMAP)
Working with the University of New Hampshire (UNH, PI institution) and Howard University, SSU faculty, staff, and students plan, design, build, and test a CubeSat with faculty, staff, and students at UNH and Howard. One CubeSat is built at each institution. By participating in this CubeSat project, SSU students will support scientists' research of electron heating in the ionosphere and ion outflow from Earth's magnetic boundary between open and closed magnetic fields. Dr.
toTransformative Inclusion in Postsecondary STEM: Towards Justice (TIPS Towards Justice)
Transformative Inclusion in Postsecondary STEM: Towards Justice (TIPS Towards Justice) aims to increase the participation and success of Latinx students in STEM by transforming STEM department cultures to become truly “Hispanic-Serving.” Starting in the Math and Stats Department followed by other STEM departments, faculty will develop, test, and publish a two-year departmental pathway that will address persistent marginalization and underrepresentation of Latinx students in STEM—a necessary step if the talents of a growing Latinx population are to benefit the country.
toRAPID:The Virtual Field: Educational Mitigation for the Covid-19 Pandemic
Field Stations and Marine Laboratories (FSML) need rapid support to create meaningful alternative field experiences that can help fulfill graduation requirements and prepare undergraduates and graduates for future careers. With a global distribution of 918 terrestrial, coastal, and marine stations (NRC 2014) and a 75% affiliation rate with universities, FSMLs are in a unique position to respond to this need.