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Cultural Resources Studies & Monitoring for Lake County Hazardous Tree Removal on BLM Properties

PI: Thomas Whitley School or Division: School of Social Sciences Sponsor: Department of Transportation (DOT, CALTRANS) Calendar Start & End Date: - Funding Amount: $27,707

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will complete Caltrans required documentation of the Lake County Hazardous Tree Removal survey and monitoring in Caltrans specific report format (Historic Property Survey Report, Archaeological Survey Report, etc.) and as addendum reports. Assist with coordination with the Tribal Representatives from Yoche Dehe for monitoring sensitive areas on BLM land. ASC will contract with and pay Yoche Dehe for past and future monitoring associated with this project. Provide a Cultural Resources Monitor and assist in coordinating with the appropriate Tribal Representatives to monitor all ground disturbing activities within Caltrans' Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESAs) on BLM property. Complete a letter report and associated site records for the BLM properties.