Lake Hartwell Predictive Modeling
Thomas Whitley
School or Division: College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts
Sponsor: Brockington and Associates, Inc.
Calendar Start & End Date: -
Funding Amount: $40,852
School or Division: College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts
Sponsor: Brockington and Associates, Inc.
Calendar Start & End Date: -
Funding Amount: $40,852
The goal of this effort is to provide the Lake Hartwell project with a GIS tool that will help the project efficiently inventory and manage its cultural resources. Predictive modeling as used in this contract means: A technique that tries to predict the location of archaeological sites or materials in a region, based either on a sample of that region or on fundamental notions concerning human behavior. The model developed shall result in a quantitative estimate of the probability of encountering archaeological remains that have not been previously discovered or recorded in the past.