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Developing the next generation of kelp forest ecologists through CA-SURE for underrepresented students

Brent Hughes

The marine sciences is a field that falls behind other fields of science in promoting a diverse workforce. California Sea Grant is addressing this issue by providing support for undergraduate research at Minority and Hispanic Serving Institutions who recently received a Kelp Recovery Research Award, which includes Sonoma State University. Each institution who falls under this criteria are eligible to receive this one-time award, providing a unique opportunity to provide hands-on training to minority students in kelp forest research. Dr.


Developing the next generation of kelp forest ecologists through CA-SURE for underrepresented students

Brent Hughes

The marine sciences is a field that falls behind other fields of science in promoting a diverse workforce. California Sea Grant is addressing this issue by providing support for undergraduate research at Minority and Hispanic Serving Institutions who recently received a Kelp Recovery Research Award, which includes Sonoma State University. Each institution who falls under this criteria are eligible to receive this one-time award, providing a unique opportunity to provide hands-on training to minority students in kelp forest research. Dr.


2022 Summer Tinker Academy

Elisabeth Wade

The 2022 Summer Tinker Academy is a two-week program designed to engage and inspire middle school students through Maker principles, to encourage the exploration and development of technical, mathematical and artistic abilities. For Summer 2022, twenty-four middle school students from across Sonoma County have been selected by CTE Foundation to attend the hands-on sessions to be taught by SSU professors and student assistants in the SSU Makerspace. They will participate in a variety of activities including coding, modeling, crafting, sewing, and building.


NFWF SF Bay Restoration Grant - Kelp Restoration

Brent Hughes

To date, very little is known as to how coastal processes from land can influence kelp forest dynamics in northern California, presenting a large knowledge gap as to potential drivers of kelp forest resilience and restoration potential. Our goal for this project is to evaluate methods for establishing bull kelp refugia close to Drakes Estero along Point Reyes National Seashore, and characterize the connectivity between the estuary and nearshore reefs to inform restoration efforts.


Understanding the global 3D signature of tree biodiversity

Lisa Bentley

This research seeks to revise fundamental scaling laws in Ecology by quantifying the broad controls on tree-level 3D structure. We will accomplish this through the development of a global-scale 3D trait databases based on terrestrial laser scanning data assembled from an international community of researchers. The project will result in an open access global 3D trait database that will support improved biodiversity characterization and mapping.  Lisa Bentley will advise in all matters related to scaling theory in the proposed research and contribute to planned research manuscripts.


Supporting Active Learning in Introductory STEM Courses with Extended Reality

Sara Kassis

This project provides STEM faculty who participate in the XR-FLC cohorts compensation to support their participation in training and professional development. The two-day cohort onboarding workshop provides participants with technology training that familiarize them with XR technology and educational affordance provided by XR. There is also training on instructional design with XR through the XR-FLC's bi-weekly zoom meeting, considering that this modality of teaching is very new for many cohort participants.


Engaging Community Colleges Students through a Residential, Pre-transfer Summer Research Program

Thomas Targett

Engaging Community Colleges in Collaboration (EC3) aims to develop a collaboration between Sonoma State University (SSU), a primarily undergraduate four year institution, and two community colleges, Mendocino College (MC) and Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC), to bring community college students from these partner schools to SSU to engage in experiential learning and experience a four year campus before they apply for transfer.

Targeted management approaches for minimizing Navy activity impacts on long-lived vertebrates

Daniel Crocker

This project examines genetic and epigenetic differences associated with maternal fitness to better understand the intrinsic features underlying variation in reproductive success and sensitivity to environmental change.


California State University Louis Stokes STEM Pathways and Research Alliance

Samuel N. Brannen

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an NSF sponsored program designed to broaden participation in science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) disciplines and contribute to the national agenda to increase the number of Underrepresented Minorities (URM) receiving baccalaureate degrees, and ultimately Ph.D.s, in STEM disciplines.  The CSU-LSAMP program at SSU provides:

          • Reimbursement for required STEM textbooks and materials


California State University Louis Stokes STEM Pathways and Research Alliance

Samuel N. Brannen

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an NSF sponsored program designed to broaden participation in science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) disciplines and contribute to the national agenda to increase the number of Underrepresented Minorities (URM) receiving baccalaureate degrees, and ultimately Ph.D.s, in STEM disciplines.  The CSU-LSAMP program at SSU provides:

          • Reimbursement for required STEM textbooks and materials
