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Developing the next generation of kelp forest ecologists through CA-SURE for underrepresented students

PI: Brent Hughes School or Division: School of Science & Technology Sponsor: University of California, San Diego Calendar Start & End Date: - Funding Amount: $10,000

The marine sciences is a field that falls behind other fields of science in promoting a diverse workforce. California Sea Grant is addressing this issue by providing support for undergraduate research at Minority and Hispanic Serving Institutions who recently received a Kelp Recovery Research Award, which includes Sonoma State University. Each institution who falls under this criteria are eligible to receive this one-time award, providing a unique opportunity to provide hands-on training to minority students in kelp forest research. Dr. Hughes will work with the McNair Scholars and MESA Programs at SSU to recruit a student for this project. Once selected the student will work with the Dr. Hughes and graduate students on an experiment that will test for the effects of salinity on kelp development during its microscopic life-history stages. This project will inform where and when kelp restoration for ecosystem managers.