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California Mathematics Project: North Coast

Ben Ford

The California Mathematics Project: North Coast (CMP:NC) is one of 19 sites of a statewide network of University-based professional learning providers.  As a collaboration between SSU's Department of Mathematics and Statistics and School of Education and the Sonoma County Office of Education, CMP:NC has provided extended, multi-year professional learning opportunities to PK-12 mathematics teachers from Marin County to the Oregon border since its founding in 1999.


Metabolic Costs and Immune System Impacts from Chronic Cortisol Elevation and Decreased Energy Acquisition

Daniel Crocker

The objective of this proposed effort is to determine the metabolic and immune system costs to chronic stress in the bottlenose dolphin. To this end, metabolic hormones and immune function markers are to be measured in concert with experimental manipulations of circulating cortisol and metabolic rate measurements. Dr. Daniel Crocker will provide the laboratory facilities to be used for most hormone and immune system marker. Dr. Crocker will also oversee the laboratory analyses and participate in data analyses and manuscript preparation.


The California Mathematics Project: North Coast 2022-2023

Ben Ford

The California Mathematics Project: North Coast (CMP:NC) is one of 19 sites of a statewide network of University-based professional learning providers.  As a collaboration between SSU's Department of Mathematics and Statistics and School of Education and the Sonoma County Office of Education, CMP:NC has provided extended, multi-year professional learning opportunities to K-12 mathematics teachers from Marin County to the Oregon border since its founding in 1999.


Sonoma State Kelp Enhancement

Brent Hughes

Climate change has led to big changes in ocean conditions, specifically ocean warming events. These ocean "heat waves" have led to the decimation of our once iconic northern California kelp forests. This project will build on the last three years of kelp restoration research in the Hughes Lab, with the goal of restoring several acres of kelp forest at Albion Cove in Mendocino County.


Math Lesson Facilitation 2023

Ben Ford

Kathy Morris will provide Math Lesson Study facilitation for up to two groups during the time frame of Jan. 15, 2023 thru June 30, 2023. Lesson Study is a highly effective professional learning structure that is teacher driven and focused on students. The teams will work together to develop lessons and teaching practices that will support math learning in this remote learning environment and beyond.


Determining Drivers of Resilience and Declines in Northern California Kelp Forests

Brent Hughes

The decline in northern California kelp forests has triggered scientists and ecosystem managers to address the decline by better understanding the causes of kelp forest die-off. This unprecedented event has presented an opportunity to study the decline and work towards solutions for restoring kelp forests. With funding from The Nature Conservancy, the Hughes Lab at Sonoma State University will be conducting surveys across a gradient of kelp forest decline, as there are still a few resilient patches left to learn and study from.


A Framework for Condition Assessment and Monitoring of Estuary MPAs in California

Brent Hughes

The Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) was established by the California Legislature in 1999, and it's main purpose was to establish a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that would serve as "ocean parks" to protect marine life and habitat. We are now about 15 year into the process and to date we still have very little understanding of estuaries within the MLPA network, and if they are meeting their goals of enhancing fisheries and protecting biodiversity.


Girls Tinker Academy

Natalie Hobson

The Remote Girls Tinker Academy is a two-week program designed to engage and inspire middle school students through Maker principles to encourage the exploration and development of technical, mathematical, and artistic abilities. For Summer 2020, thirty middle school students from across Sonoma County have been selected by CTEF/CWISE to participate in this hands-on program to be taught remotely by SSU professor and student assistants. They will participate in a variety of activities including coding, modeling, crafting, sewing, and building.


Developing Metrics of Animal Condition and their linkage to Vital Rates: Further Development of the PCoD Model

Daniel Crocker

There is a growing understanding that adipose tissue releases hormones (adipokines) that help regulate metabolism, immune function and reproduction. This study examines changes in blubber gene expression and blood concentrations of adipokines in naturally fasting elephant seals, examines their relationship to immune markers and reproductive hormones, and will provide novel information on how body condition influences health and reproduction in wildlife.


Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory Communications and Outreach

Lynn Cominsky

Working with Project Management at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, SSU personnel will support press communications, outreach events and scientific illustrations on behalf of the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory scientific missions. Dr. Cominsky is a scientific Co-Investigator for both missions, and also serves as press officer. Aurore Simonnet's illustrations of previous Fermi and Swift high-energy discoveries have included covers of two issues of Science magazine, and one issue of Nature.
