Windsor Initiative for Diverse Educators Residency (WIDER) Implementation
WIDER (Windsor Initiative to Diversify Educators Residency) Program is designed to provide support to teaching credential students in the WIDER Program and their mentor teachers through in-kind and financial support. In-kind support includes professional development opportunities, cohort-based meetings, one-on-one feedback, and high-quality mentoring. Financial support includes stipends.
toSummer 2025 NEH Institute: Future Earth Climate Story
The Future Earth Climate Story is a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) summer institute for 25 secondary teachers from across the country who, through a competitive application process, are chosen to participate in a 2-week interactive exploration of ideas and multimodal praxis that will be held on SSU's campus.
toEast Bay Subscription 24-26
The State Office of Historic Preservation has designated the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) as one of nine Information Centers located throughout the state. The East Bay Regional Park District is a system of parklands and trails in Alameda and Contra Costa counties to the east of San Francisco, totaling over 125,000 acres. This agreement delivers cultural resource data in digital packages on a semi-annual schedule over a three-year period to the East Bay Regional Park District.
toRCN-UBE: A Network for Facilitating Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems
Sonoma State University (SSU) will create a series of four “Live from the Field” (LFTF) events that target OCELOTS objectives. Working with OCELOTS, CEI will modify the existing TVF LFTF format to increase engagement in OCELOTS modules of MSI instructors and students. SSU will additionally update an existing student survey to better incorporate OCELOT learning goals. The survey will be designed to allow faculty to use the survey independently to assess the impacts of the experience on their students.
toStantec Master Service Agreement: National Historic Preservation Act Section 106
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will complete a National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 compliance oversight and review for Stantec and California Department of Water Resources at the McCabe Project PFDF-01.
toOffice of Historic Preservation Northwest Information Center 24-25
Through this cooperative agreement, the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) supports the fulfillment of the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) obligations by 1) gathering, managing, and providing access to the statewide inventory of historical resources within the NWIC’s 18 county region; 2) providing guidance in the use and interpretation of historical resources information: and 3) providing broad public education in support of cultural heritage preservation including internships and volunteer opportunities here at Sonoma State University.
toDiablo Canyon Lands - South Ranch Cultural Resources Inventory
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will assist with a Cultural Resources Inventory of Pacific Gas and Electric’s (PG&E) Diablo Canyon Lands – South Ranch Study Area. The ASC will conduct limited Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) analysis both within the Diablo Canyon power plant and in areas within the South Ranch Study Area. The goal of this project is to determine the efficacy of Ground Penetrating Radar to identify features and to within the PG&E property.
to2024-2025 College Service Grant: First-generation Service Fellows Program
The First-generation Service Fellows program will provide professional development and micro-grants to first-generation students in order to support the development and implementation of new student-led service projects.
toCSMP ESSA24 - The California Mathematics Project: North Coast 2024-2025
The California Mathematics Project: North Coast (CMP:NC) is one of 19 sites of a statewide network of University-based professional learning providers. As a collaboration between SSU's Department of Mathematics and Statistics and School of Education and the Sonoma County Office of Education, CMP:NC has provided extended, multi-year professional learning opportunities to K-12 mathematics teachers from Marin County to the Oregon border since its founding in 1999.
toCalFresh Outreach FFY 2024-2027
Sonoma State University has a Basic Needs Program that includes integrated support for students who are food insecure. Included in our program is support for students in accessing CalFresh subsidies. Our CalFresh team will be overseen by a case worker and will include student interns. In collaboration with community partners, this team will do outreach to inform the student community of CalFresh through public events, social media, educational class presentations, and referrals from faculty, staff and other students.