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FAFSA Completion Initiative Grant

Rose Calzontzi

This project seeks to increase the FAFSA completion rates of TRIO SSS participants at Sonoma State University by providing advising that demystifies the process and provides individualized assistance for completing the FAFSA.



2024-2025 College Service Grant: First-generation Service Fellows Program

Rose Calzontzi

The First-generation Service Fellows program will provide professional development and micro-grants to first-generation students in order to support the development and implementation of new student-led service projects.


CalFresh Outreach FFY 2024-2027

Erik Dickson

Sonoma State University has a Basic Needs Program that includes integrated support for students who are food insecure. Included in our program is support for students in accessing CalFresh subsidies. Our CalFresh team will be overseen by a case worker and will include student interns. In collaboration with community partners, this team will do outreach to inform the student community of CalFresh through public events, social media, educational class presentations, and referrals from faculty, staff and other students.


2023 First-Generation College Celebration

Rose Calzontzi

The First-generation College Celebration is an annual opportunity to raise awareness of the first-generation college student identity by advancing an asset-based narrative of students' experiences and outcomes through institution-wide activities and media campaigns.



Jesus Maldonado

The eight (8) TRIO Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math & Science Programs at Sonoma State University serve 553 pre-college (9th – 12th grade) students who attend targeted high schools in Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, and Lake Counties.  Five of the programs are based at partner school sites where participants engage with a daily college-readiness curriculum.  In addition, other participants attend a rigorous Saturday Academy and six-week Summer/STEM Academy along with participating in test preparation, financial aid, and college application workshops.  All students attend numer



Rayna Penning

This project entails training 172 new directors annually from all TRIO programs.


Peer Mentoring

Gerald Jones

This project will expand the existing Peer Mentor program to serve more students, reaching more broadly into our underrepresented student population. An additional four Peer Mentors will allow us to engage 1,000 students each year. It will also provide us the opportunity to recruit and train Peer Mentors starting this summer, with the expanded Peer Mentor program to commence with the 2019-2020 school year.



Stacey Heldman-Holguin

Sonoma State University has a Basic Needs Program that includes integrated support for students who are food insecure. Included in our program is support for students in accessing CalFresh subsidies. Our CalFresh team will be overseen by a health educator/case worker and will include student interns. In collaboration with community partners, this team will do outreach to inform the student community of CalFresh through public events, social media, educational class presentations, and referrals from faculty, staff and other students.


Burton Book FUnd 20-21

Gerald Jones

This award will assist eligible Seawolf Scholars in purchasing their textbooks and required course supplies for the 2020-2021 academic year. As stated by John Burton Advocates for Youth, "The goal of the Burton Book Fund is to promote college success among current and former foster youth by helping offset the high cost of textbooks and by encouraging their engagement and contact with campus support professionals."  


TRIO - SSS-Multilingual Achievers Program

Gerald Jones

In support of SSU's commitment and goal to serve underrepresented and underserved student populations, TRIO SSS-Multilingual Achievers Program provides multilingual and educationally under-prepared students with individualized math and writing assistance.   
