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Prepare and Implement Archaeological Testing Program for the 915 Cayuga Project

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will prepare and implement an Archaeological Testing Program for the 915 Cayuga Project and undertake other steps as needed/required.  At the completion of the archaeological testing program, a written report of the findings will be submitted.


Palliative Care Oral Histories for the Center for Dying and Living

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will be assisting the Center for Dying and Living (CDL) by recording oral histories about palliative care, collecting stories from patients and caregivers about serious illness, disability, and end of life care. These stories will become a part of the CDL's online library, made accessible to the public.


California Complete Count – Census 2020

Laura Monje-Paulson

In consultation with the CSU Chancellor’s Office, Dr. Laura Monje-Paulson will be responsible for overseeing outreach and education activities at Sonoma State University and will actively engage students, faculty and staff in identifying effective outreach and educational strategies to increase awareness of and understanding about the 2020 Census.


Prepare and Implement Archaeological Testing Program for the 3330 Geary Blvd Project

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will prepare and implement an Archaeological Testing Plan for the 3330 Geary Blvd Project in San Francisco, California and prepare the Archaeological Testing Memo that presents the findings of the field effort.


Cultural Resources Studies and Cultural Resources Monitoring for Lake County Hazardous Tree Removal

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will assist the California Department of Transportation, District 1(CalTrans) and Wylatti Resource Management by providing emergency cultural resource monitoring services for hazardous tree removal work as a result of the damages from the 2017 and 2018 Northern California wildfires in Lake County, CA.


Implement Archaeological Monitoring for The Presidio Tunnel Tops Project

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will work closely with the staff of the Presidio Trust Archaeology Lab and conduct archaeological monitoring for the Presidio Tunnel Tops Project in San Francisco, CA.  The Presidio Trust and its contractors are constructing approximately 14 acres of new parkland to connect the Main Post to Crissy Field and there is potential for the inadvertent discovery of potentially significant archaeological materials during the construction excavation for the project.


The SSU Campus Sexual Assault Program

Ryan Jasen Henne

With this grant, SSU plans to create a comprehensive coordinated community response that is victim ­centered, enhances victim safety, provides confidential services to sexual assault victims, holds offenders accountable, and includes outreach activities at institutions of higher education. Some of the initiatives that this grant will fund include the hiring of a second, full time Confidential Sexual Assault Victims' Advocate, the creation of a campus wide Sexual Misconduct/Assault Response Team, and personnel and resources to support a broad spectrum of outreach programs for the campus.


Archaeological Monitoring for the Belvedere Tiburon Library Expansion Project

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will supply an archaeologist to deliver an on-site tailgate training session to construction personnel prior to commencement of excavation work at the Belvedere Tiburon Library Expansion Project. ASC will also supply one archaeologist to perform monitoring functions at the site and to prepare a draft and final Archaeological Monitoring Report upon completion.


GIS Mapping for CAL FIRE Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit

Matthew Clark

Through a partnership between Sonoma State's Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Analysis (CIGA) and the CAL FIRE Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit, a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technician was hired through a competitive process to assist the agency in creating a variety of planning maps. A high-priority product will be pre-fire attack maps in the tri-county area. Pre-attack maps include base imagery overlaid with spatial information on fire control lines, access, gates, water resources, structures, and known hazards.


Office of Historic Preservation Northwest Information Center 19-20

Bryan Much

Through this cooperative agreement, the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) supports the fulfillment of the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) obligations by 1) gathering, managing, and providing access to the statewide inventory of historical resources within the NWIC’s 18 county region; 2) providing guidance in the use and interpretation of historical resources information: and 3) providing broad public education in support of cultural heritage preservation including internships and volunteer opportunities here at Sonoma State University. 
