RCN-UBE: A Network for Facilitating Online Content for Experiential Learning of Tropical Systems
Sonoma State University (SSU) will create a series of four “Live from the Field” (LFTF) events that target OCELOTS objectives. Working with OCELOTS, CEI will modify the existing TVF LFTF format to increase engagement in OCELOTS modules of MSI instructors and students. SSU will additionally update an existing student survey to better incorporate OCELOT learning goals. The survey will be designed to allow faculty to use the survey independently to assess the impacts of the experience on their students.
toRAPID:The Virtual Field: Educational Mitigation for the Covid-19 Pandemic
Field Stations and Marine Laboratories (FSML) need rapid support to create meaningful alternative field experiences that can help fulfill graduation requirements and prepare undergraduates and graduates for future careers. With a global distribution of 918 terrestrial, coastal, and marine stations (NRC 2014) and a 75% affiliation rate with universities, FSMLs are in a unique position to respond to this need.
toWatershed Academics to Enhance Regional Sustainability (WATERS) Collaborative
The WATERS Collaborative enhances watershed management needs and academic training of students. Our goals are to: