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Record the Jamison City Site and Create a Public Interpretation Enhancement, Plumas-Eureka State Park in Plumas County, CA

Mark Selverston

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct investigations and create an interpretive element of a Gold Rush-era mine camp named Jamison City located within Plumas-Eureka State Park, Plumas County. Studies will include archival research and archaeological field survey to document the vestiges of the site. The interpretive component will weave together the findings into a presentation using unspecified media. A brief movie or other digital production to enhance the museum is anticipated to tell the colorful story of the rough and tumble Jamison City.


Caltrans On-Call Cultural Resources Monitoring 2020-2023

Thomas Whitley

This project is a three-year extension of the Anthropological Studies Center’s on-call contract with Caltrans District 4, Office of Environmental Maintenance, to provide professional and technical services in delivering maintenance projects with compliance needs involving cultural resource identification, evaluation, and mitigation.


Prepare and Implement Archaeological Testing Program for the 915 Cayuga Project

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will prepare and implement an Archaeological Testing Program for the 915 Cayuga Project and undertake other steps as needed/required.  At the completion of the archaeological testing program, a written report of the findings will be submitted.


Cultural Resources Inventory for Phase I of the Placer County Coordinated Fuel Break Project

Mark Selverston

Anthropological Studies Center will assist Placer County Resource Conservation District and CALFIRE with implementation of the Placer County Cooperative Fuel Break Project by conducting archaeological inventory of the project area located near Auburn, California. Pedestrian field survey combined with archival literature review will be carried out to identify sensitive cultural resources so that they may be protected during the project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act.


Malakoff Diggins Cultural Resource Management Evaluation Report

Mark Selverston

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will evaluate the National Register eligibility of identified historic-component cultural resources as potential contributors to the Malakoff Diggins North Bloomfield historic district.  This project is a continuation of the ongoing survey conducted by ASC since 2015 and will continue through September 30, 2020 under the agreement with the Department of Parks and Recreation.


Cultural Resources Support at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will manage and research the archaeological collection at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MGAGCC), Twentynine Palms, CA. This will include accessioning the backlog of artifacts and reports, receiving and processing new artifacts and reports, managing and updating inventory database, facilitating and conducting research on the collection, and designing and assembling a full-room interpretive archaeological display.


Archaeological Monitoring for the Belvedere Tiburon Library Expansion Project

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will supply an archaeologist to deliver an on-site tailgate training session to construction personnel prior to commencement of excavation work at the Belvedere Tiburon Library Expansion Project. ASC will also supply one archaeologist to perform monitoring functions at the site and to prepare a draft and final Archaeological Monitoring Report upon completion.


Expanding STEM Ethics Education to Reduce Gender Bias and Sexual Harassment

Matthew Paolucci

Across a three-year program, we will develop, evaluate and disseminate two educational modules designed to be infused into STEM professional development/ethics courses. Drawing from social psychology research on gender bias and sexual harassment in STEM,  the modules’ objective is to expand traditional ethics training beyond ethical research practices to encompass ethical behavior among fellow researchers. Modules will be piloted at SSU and then disseminated using STEM-Net to other CSU campuses with an eventual goal of nationwide dissemination.


Cultural Resources Study for the Salt Point State Park Bishop Pine Project

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct a cultural resources study for the Salt Point State Park Bishop Pine Project.  The goals of the project are to improve public safety by removing hazardous trees and reducing wildfire risk in developed areas and escape routes, and improve forest health. The project involves the removal of dead and dying trees and reduction of fuel loads from mature bishop pine stands, management of the 27-year-old stand of bishop pine to encourage health and, implementation of measures designed to encourage reproduction of bishop pine.


Hanson Russian River Floodplain Restoration Project

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will perform a cultural resources study of the Hanson Russian River floodplain restoration area to support restoration design and permitting.  A complete records search will be conducted at the Northwest Information Center to examine the extent of previous cultural resource surveys and an ASC field crew will inspect any previously recorded archaeological sites or cultural resources.
