HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Supporting Active Learning in Introductory STEM Courses with Extended Reality
Co-PIs: Elisabeth Wade
School or Division: College of Science, Technology, and Business
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Calendar Start & End Date: -
Funding Amount: $155,788
The research team is particularly motivated to investigate and advance the understanding of how to design, assess and disseminate XR contents and experiences to facilitate active learning in introductory STEM courses at both 4-year and 2-year Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs). The proposed three-year research project will develop, implement, and evaluate the “Active Learning in Introductory STEM Courses with XR” (ALIS-XR) framework as an exemplary model to improve undergraduate STEM learning for all students but especially URM students and to narrow achievement gaps between URM students and their overrepresented peers. The ALIS-XR project objectives are to 1) develop a community of practice; 2) develop an XR content/activity repository; 3) conduct in-class trials/pilots (via faculty researchers) to compare the effectiveness of different types of XR experience, and 4) conduct professional development workshops.