Three Nights With Scherhazade
A Summary of Middle Eastern Feminism and How The Eighties Changed Things
Presenter: Claire Wilson
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Fall
Faculty Mentor:
Department: English
Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium
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Scherhazade "lived" and told her stories long before the nineteen eighties, and long before popular feminist ideas were circulating anywhere, but she still seems to radiate the energy of a feminist icon that would be revered now. How the history of feminism in the Middle East differentiates enough from the history of feminism in the West, is able to foster a beautiful conversation between women from both hemispheres. This piece of creative writing imagines a situation in which women from the West get lost in Damascus, the traditional storytelling of the region, and the history of Eastern women and their feminisms.