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Teaching Journalism's Intangibles

Skills to humanize digital content creation & audience interaction

Presenter: Gina Baleria

Presenter Status: Faculty

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Fall

Department: Communication & Media Studies

Funding Source/Sponsor: RSCAP

President's Strategic Plan Goal: Connectivity and Community Engagement, Diversity and Social Justice, Adaptability and Responsiveness

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Journalists should cultivate skills in writing, interviewing, and newsgathering. But, in the current socio-political landscape, any journalist seeking to contextualize the events and stories that impact their audiences, hold power accountable, and inform their community needs to know so much more. Those practicing the most comprehensive and impactful journalism around the world have skills that set them apart, including an insatiable curiosity, empathy with those they cover, an understanding of their own implicit biases, an internalized and clear ethical compass, and a tenacity to pursue a story to the fullest. This book provides a practical, tangible how-to approach for developing, honing, and practicing these intangible skills that are critical to strong journalism. It is an invaluable text for anyone teaching or training the next generation of journalists and preparing them to do the important work of informing the public and contributing to a strong, healthy society.