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Sounds of the 70s

A musical timeline of the 1970s

Presenter: Owen Siden

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 19-20

Semester: Spring

Department: Music

Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project

Screenshot URL:

Before the whole COVID-19 thing hit, I originally wanted to make a song that highlighted the wide variety of music that was popular during the 1970s.  My plan was to work on this project with my friends who are more musically talented than me and had the instruments for it.  Unfortunately with the shutdown of society they moved back home and I no longer had the opportunity to make the song.  I wanted to stick with the same idea of observing the variety of music that was popular during this era, so i decided to make a little musical timeline of the decade.  For my project I researched the top 5 Billboard songs for each year of the 1970s.  I then created a spotify playlist where I put the top 5 songs of each year in order so that when you lsiten to the playlist all the way through, you are taken on an auditory journey through the decade.  After creating the playlist, (and many hours of listening to the songs) I created a physical timeline to show when each of the songs were released.  On the timeline I included the release date of each song and a little sentence about each one, whether that be when the song hit the Billboard charts or a little fun fact about the song or the songwriter(s).  While doing this project and listening to the top songs of each year, I became even more aware of the variety of music that was popular during this decade.  It was fun for me to observe this musical diversity and to learn the stories behind these popular hits. Heres the link to the spotify playlist if you want to check it out