Societal Factor's Impact on the U.S.
The Sexualization, Modernization, Industrialization, And Weaponization Of The United States
Presenter: Alexander Wasilowski
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 21-22
Semester: Fall
Faculty Mentor: Rim Zahra
Department: English
Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project, SYRCE Symposium
The series of art pieces demonstrate the effects sexualization, modernization, weaponization, and industrialization had on society during the 1920s. The paintings explain main topic points of symbolism within each societal development and the impactful nature each one held. Each painting illustrates one of these social factors; the first illustrates the impact of fashion on views pertaining female sexuality. Another others portray the rise of industrialization during the 1920s. The third image depicts the increase in biological warfare usage during the 1920s. The fourth showcases the advancements of vehicles in the 1920s. Finally, the sculpture on top depicts how society is still being impacted by the same factors.
I have created a website gallery. The gallery has this project, as well as all my other artwork. To read a description of each piece, simply click on the picture you want to know more about. The link to my homepage and project page are below.
(I have attached a pdf version of the website images and descriptions in case the website malfunctions)
Home Page
Project Page