Smart Pedestrian Counter
Presenter: Logan Lawrence
Sarah Chesbrough
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 19-20
Semester: Spring
Faculty Mentor: Farid Farahmand
Department: Engineering
The Smart Pedestrian Counter (SPEC) system will track and distinguish the number of pedestrians and bicyclists that use the trails of the city of Rohnert Park. For this project, a camera will be setup to track the number of pedestrians on foot and/or bike using image recognition to differentiate between the two. It will use multiple devices (nodes) to send the number of detected pedestrians and bicyclists to the server and the data will be visually accessible to the user. In addition, long-range low power communication technology will be used to send data to the city of Rohnert Park without drawing too much power and to avoid paying third party monthly fees. They are existing devices that monitor pedestrian, bicyclist, and vehicle traffic; unfortunately they are expensive, permanently installed, low to the ground and non-private databases. SPEC will process the data once a pedestrian or bicyclist is detected but pictures will not be sent to any of the users.