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School of Science and Technology Awards

Welcome to the School of Science and Technology's Awards Page!

The School of Science and Technology recognizes select research projects every year that demonstrate the school's core values. The categories include:

  • Best Poster
  • Big Picture Award
  • Bright Idea Award
  • Ongaro Family Green Science Awards (awarded to students in SST working on green science projects within their discipline)
    • Grand Prize ($600 individual or $1200 team)
    • Winner 1 ($500 individual or $800 team)
    • Winner 2 ($500 individual or $800 team)
  • Sci 120 Community Impact poster
  • Sci 120 Novel Research Question poster

To see more science and technology research, please check out some of the projects on the Virtual Research Gallery website.

2021 SST Award Winners

Best Poster: The Exhumational History and Structural Geology of Angel Island State Park, by Nicolas Schroeder, Fehlandt Lentini, Michael Jones, Christie Rowe, and Meghomita Das

Big Picture Award: Establishing the gp120 RNA Aptamer as a Negative Control in BAFF Receptor Protein Binding Affinity Assays, by Selena Leu

Bright Idea Award: Design of Polarization Rotator Metamirror Using Metaparticle Surrogate-Based Optimization, by Joseph A. Haun

Sci 120 Community Impact Poster: The Relationship between Sea Otters and Aquatic Vegetation, by Murielle Meacham, Marcus Fritzen, and Abigail Barnabas

Sci 120 Novel Research Question Poster: Sudden Oak Death Infected Bay Laurel in San Francisco and West Sonoma County, by Samantha Lipkins, Shawnia Ard, and Patrick Atkinson

Ongaro Family Green Science Awards 

Grand Prize: Differential Bull Kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) Populations Resistance to Increased Temperatures, by Julieta Gomez

Winner 1: Variation at the SDH gene relates to heat tolerance of a beetle, by Justin Basil

Winner 2: Mediator of mRNA Transcription Associated with Recovery from Heat Stress in the Montane Leaf Beetle Chrysomela Aeneicollis, by Elliott Smeds