Salmon Restoration
How Effective is Salmon Restoration in The Russian River Watershed
Presenter: Soana Mahoni
Seana Maclure, Sammy Mayer, Michael Maza
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Department: Biology
Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project
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The California Coast salmon population was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1996 and later classified as endangered in 2005. The Russian River is still home to endangered and threatened runs of Coho and Chinook Salmon. By examining the literature on this topic, our study investigates the effect water quality has on reintroducing salmon species into the Russian River. Many factors have contributed to a 75% reduction in the watershed’s alluvial floodplain over the last 80 years. This makes it more difficult for salmon to complete their life cycle, as well as making their habitat difficult to thrive in. Our findings indicate that there is a need for salmon restoration projects, which in turn will improve the watershed’s water quality and therefore create a better environment for the various species of salmon.