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Pringles Can Hydrogen Rocket

Presenter: Emily Jenkins

Bryan Parra

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 22-23

Semester: Spring

Faculty Mentor: Bogdan Negru

Department: Chemistry

Our Service Learning Project is focused on the reaction between hydrogen gas, oxygen, and fire. The goal behind our demonstration is to create an interactive way to show topics of chemistry in the classroom. The SLP can be used by professors to show the concepts of combustion and stoichiometry to students. The project can be printed out to be used by the students. This is an attempt to aid professors by having the information and materials available for the experiment. We want to make teaching easy and fun! With the right combination of both hydrogen gas and oxygen, the pressure inside will cause the can to shoot up, creating a “rocket”. Combustion is the act of creating a reaction between, in our case, gas and fire to create energy and water. Our poster will show how our demo can be used in the chemistry department to be used in classrooms.