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Photo Collection

A Series by F.F Bloc

Presenter: Cassidy Lieberfarb

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 21-22

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor: Hillary Homzie

Department: Communication & Media Studies

Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project, SYRCE Symposium

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Before the Great Depression, there was an agricultural depression that coincided with the otherwise economical boon of the roaring twenties, also known as the 1920’s Farmer’s Crisis. This was brought about by skyrocketing surpluses of crops piling up after World War One had ended, and with it the high demand for food US farmer’s had been keeping up with, until they had more goods than they knew what to do with. Unfortunately due to the political and economic climate of the time, this agricultural catastrophe went largely overlooked and unaided, before then being even historically overshadowed when the Great Depression hit. 

This fictional photography collection aims to capture the sentiments of those farmer’s during this time period. Through the lens of F.F Bloc, a fictional farmer who had lost everything but a camera during the Farmer’s crisis, explore a series of stories created to convey what the agricultural community went through during this time period.

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