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Organized Crime During the 1920s

Organized Crime during the Roaring Twenties and its Impact on Women, Community, and Law Authority Officials

Presenter: Angelina Lopez

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 21-22

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor: Rim Zahra

Department: English

Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project, SYRCE Symposium

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The nature of the project is In this audio-visual presentation, I explore how the organized crime that started around the 1920’s and continued to grow since then and had a huge impact on society in America. This project educates readers on matters because people need to be educated on the origins of how organized crime and its social impact. The theoretical problems that my project addresses is expresses would be how crime influenced women, the community, and the law. Women began to find their sense of independence and self identity which was heavily influenced by crime.  The community looked like trash and filled with violence, and the [delete]most, if not all, law enforcement officials were corrupted by crime. You don't need this sentence, but you could preface the previous one with my research reveals that I will be using information I already know and found during my research process. This project contains information about flappers, major crime lords, and evidence of the community being treated poorly. I decided to split my project into three major parts explaining and providing evidence to back up my claims. Creating this project I had found that women found their identity/self, the law was corrupted, and the economy that was used for crime lords advantage. One of the limitation of my project is that it lacks information about how crime impacted the community. My work will need more information about how the community was impacted by crime.