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A self-fabricated reconstruction of Chapter 23 of The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Presenter: Rachel Cooney

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor: Sakina Bryant

Department: Philosophy

Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium

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I wrote pages stemming from and replacing some of Chapter 23 of the Handmaid’s Tale. The purpose of this transfiguration of Offred’s visit to the Commander’s office was to delve into features of her character and what about her state of being can be seen as categorized, to the point of her doing it to herself, by some means. Particularly features that, through my research, allowed me a solid understanding of who I feel that she is and the chance to explore what I believe would have been her thoughts and actions. The scenario, occurring in my version, being Prince’s ironically relatable song from the 1980’s getting played during this intimate occasion, instead of a word game. Through dark humor, a willingness to be externally emotionally expressive, inconsistent reminders of her past life, and my attempt at mimicking Margret Atwood’s entrancing writing style, my intention was to create a thought-provoking re-creation of an already wonderful chapter in the Handmaid’s Tale.

Attached is a link, available to be viewed by Sonoma State University accounts only. It's the document seen in my recording in case if, for some reason, the version that I have provided in the video is not visible or audible.