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Nature versus Nurture Footloose and the 1980's


Presenter: Gabriella N Hyland


Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor: Beth Ann Turner

Department: Music

Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium

Other Funding Source/Program: N/A

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The central idea of my project is to look into the movie Footloose that came out in the 1980’s and compare how the teenagers character development has changed as a result of their environment. We then can look at how the teenagers within the movie used music as a from of self-expression to break free of the older generations just like the teenagers within the 1980’s. It is relevant to 1980’s music because throughout the movie they used music as a form of expression to break away from the music restrictions put on the teenagers. This also relates to the 1980’s with the creation of MTV showing more music within the media and leading to more kids changing because of the environment that they are surrounded with. The multimedia poster shows how nature versus nurture affects a person’s environment and compares Footloose to teenagers within the 1980’s and how the creation of MTV lead to the breakout of the music industry and self-expression throughout the younger generations. Within the movie Footloose they explained how a small religious town puts restrictions on music leading to more self-expression in the younger generations. Within 1980’s teenagers looked towards MTV to express themselves through both music and clothing that they saw within music videos. I made a multimedia poster explaining how these two connect to one another and how nature versus nurture affects the growth of a person overtime. This research helped us see how a person environment overtime can affect them and how the 1980’s was the time of teenagers showing self-expression as a result of the creation of MTV and more representation for the music industry within the media.

Work Cited :

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