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Native American Representation in Media

Presenter: Penelope Hernandez

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor: Jeffrey Reeder

Department: Native American Studies

Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium

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Native Americans and their way of being represented through media, is more negative than positive. We have recognized that there is an assigned stereotype to how media and societies continue to represent Native people. Through television, music and public mascots, certain media are doing more disrespect than honoring a community. Well known films showcase Native people and their characters through the stereotype of being evil and fearful; this representation does not bring justice to them and their histories. Through public mascots, these media are in a sense promoting society to follow and believe this stereotype that they have set for Native Americans. It creates a divide and judgement which can affect these Natives mentally and emotionally. I hope this presentation can give a more realistic look on how twisting and manipulative media can be on their chosen representations for historic communities