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Native American Representation in the Media

Presenter: Alannah Coker

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor: Jeffrey Reeder

Department: Native American Studies

Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium

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This project’s purpose is to inform and explore the way that Indigenous people have, and continue to be, portrayed in the media. The media shapes our perception of the world much more than many people think. In this presentation, I attempt to discuss why media representation is important and how our current situation is detrimental to society. The overall objective of this is to get the viewer to reflect upon personal biases about Native Americans that have been perpetuated by the media and therefore why media representation is so impactful. I hope that this power point will be effective in making people think twice the next time they see a stereotype about Indigenous people pushed by the media.