NASA's Neurodiversity Network (N3)
Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities across the Spectrum
Presenter: Lynn Cominsky
Laura Peticolas, Aurore Simonnet
Presenter Status: Faculty
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Spring
Department: Physics & Astronomy
Other Funding Source/Program: NASA Grant #80NSSC21M0004
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NASA’s Neurodiversity Network (N3) will provide a pathway to NASA participation and STEM employment for neurodiverse learners, with a focus on those on the autism spectrum. Project Goals include:
• Enabling STEM education for a segment of the population that is significantly underserved by co-redeveloping existing NASA resources with autistic learners.
• Improving scientific literacy for this underserved population by providing authentic NASA experiences for autistic STEM learners.
• Partnering with autism-focused organizations to leverage our efforts to create a sustainable pathway that provides autistic learners with the social and technical skills needed for successful STEM careers.
• Providing internships, mentored by NASA Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to selected neurodiverse learners.
• Working with autism experts to provide professional learning for SMEs and the NASA community around neurodivergence and best practices for working with autistic learners.
• Working with a team of neurodiverse youth and experienced educators to build on existing NASA-funded informal programs to create astronomy-focused afterschool programs at schools that serve neurodiverse students and inclusive museum-based summer camps, workshops, and drop-in programs.