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Multi-messenger Astronomy Master Class

Presenter: Jesse Nelson

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Spring

Faculty Mentor: Lynn Cominsky

Department: Physics & Astronomy

Other Funding Source/Program: NASA Grant #80NSSC18K1449

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This project is part of a three-day course on multi-messenger astronomy. The course is sponsored by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration as part of iGrav, an international gravitational wave education and public outreach effort, and it seeks to build off of the excitement of the recent detection of gravitational waves. We are contributing the gamma-ray astronomy portion of the course. Students are provided with background reading material in addition to information on fifteen gamma-ray bursts, which they are tasked with categorizing based on their shared characteristics. Our contribution to the course has been designed as an online activity in order to be compatible with distance learning.