More than Reporting
Using Qualitative Data for Change
Presenter: Rita Premo
Catherine Fonseca, Kaitlin Springmier
Presenter Status: Faculty
Academic Year: 19-20
Semester: Spring
Department: University Library
President's Strategic Plan Goal: Diversity and Social Justice
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So you collected and analyzed the data, you made and shared the report. Now what? While many librarians do assessment, we sometimes have difficulty ‘closing the loop’—implementing outcomes or actions informed by the assessment. Many factors can play a role here: time, energy, consensus, stakeholder interest, or available support. In the proposed active workshop, attendees will analyze qualitative data from student surveys and brainstorm actions we might take while learning how to present research data to stakeholders to inspire action. During the session, attendees will experience a workshop originally designed for teaching faculty at our institution in which CCLI participants review, reflect upon, and interpret student testimonials about their experiences in the classroom as collected through institutional surveys.
Presentation and reflection activity available here: