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Mexican Immigrants During Prohibition

How did the Prohibition era affect Mexican-Americans/Mexican immigrants?

Presenter: Jorge Romero Luna

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 21-22

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor: Rim Zahra

Department: English

Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project, SYRCE Symposium

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My final project is a PowerPoint that addresses Mexican-Americans/Mexican immigrants' endure in the prohibition era (1920-1933). I break the PowerPoint into five parts. The first part is focused on the historical information pre-1920 to understand the purpose of why prohibition came to be in the U.S. The second part is focused on Tequila and its role during prohibition. The next part is racial stereotypes and ill-treatment that Mexican-Americans/Mexican immigrants face. The fourth part is on the anti-immigrant that Mexicans face. The final part concludes that prohibition did not hinder foreign culture. Thus, the passing of prohibition is to suppress any culture that is not Anglo-American. During the prohibition era, history is mostly focused on the Anglo-Americans perspective, leaving out what other social groups must have endured at that time. I want the audience to understand what Mexican-Americans/Mexican immigrants experienced in the prohibition era. So they went through will not be forgotten, we can learn not to hinder people cultural beliefs.