Presenter: Margaret Thomas
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Fall
Faculty Mentor:
Department: Philosophy
Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium
Screenshot URL: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1zN6WQrHr2ttz_kB8mfQi1iShypfXemoK
I have been personally working with this concept for quite some time now. Letting a tower fall can mean many things for different people. Personally this consists of the boundaries I have set up around myself to help protect and guide me. The metaphorical meaning behind this symbol is we grow out of these boundaries. As we develop and transform into a more confident and centered person, we must acknowledge that some relationships we build do not always grow at the same seed, and our priorities change.
This could mean letting go of relationships, or the physical destruction of actual landmarks such as the Berlin Wall.This tower disconnected the people and forced separate life among those on each side. Causing society to be unbalanced with its natural flow of connecting communities. Letting a tower fall means to break this personal construct that you have created. A shattering of ideas we once held so true and abandoning them to move on to better more tangible concepts that work best for the individual.