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Improving Diabetes Care in Rural Guatemala

The Impact of Community-Level Beliefs

Presenter: Maritza Perez

Lauren Fields, Kathryn Cirksena, Kate Feibusch

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Spring

Faculty Mentor: Michelle Kelly

Department: Nursing

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Diabetes in Guatemala is common and increasing (Bream et al., 2018). Disease management is particularly challenging in rural Guatemala where poverty is widespread and resources are few. The perspectives and experiences of fifteen Community Health Workers (CHWs) serving remote villages in northwest Petén, Guatemala provide valuable insight on the current state of diabetes care. This report focuses on the CHWs’ perceptions of their communities’ awareness, knowledge, and beliefs about diabetes. These insights will be used to develop targeted community education, transform CHW training and protocols, and inform portable A1c testing in the region.