Imitating Tangible Craft Practices Online:
A Study of Communicating Craft Knowledge on Social Media
Presenter: Rosse Linares
Kiyoko Mangrobang, Gabriel Halaweh
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Department: Psychology
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To achieve craft expertise, one must have access to skills
and resources. Online communities have connected indi-
viduals to resources and ideas around the world. Our study
seeks to better understand the transmission of craft knowl-
edge on a social media forum. We conducted a qualitative
analysis focused on collaborative craft knowledge, while an-
alyzing the various forms of intercommunication between
group members. The posts of crafters seeking assistance
during the design process were analyzed, providing insight
into the characteristics and qualities of exchanging craft
knowledge within digital mediums. Our findings show a lack
of information, such as whether the crafter’s question got
resolved. We hope our study provides a better understand-
ing of craft knowledge and leads to an improved design of
online collaborative environments that better support the
embodied element of craft knowledge.