Illustrating the pH Scale With Carbon Dioxide and Red Cabbage Juice
Presenter: Kylie Dunn, Camila Carrillo
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 22-23
Semester: Spring
Department: Chemistry
pH demonstrations that are limited to pH strips often fail to produce enthusiasm in students about the concepts of Chemistry discussed in lectures. The focus of this service learning project is to provide the chemistry department with the resources to perform a visual demonstration of the effect that carbon dioxide has on water pH levels. This demonstration can be achieved using red cabbage juice as a pH indicator and carbon dioxide gas produced from vinegar and baking soda. In addition to requiring minimal preparation, it involves only common household items. This demonstration is simple and provides students with a dramatic, visual representation of the pH scale. As the pigment in red cabbage naturally stains water, students can visually see the effect that acidic gasses, such as carbon dioxide, have on the pH level of water. This pH demonstration using cabbage juice and carbon dioxide serves as a tool for exciting student involvement and curiosity for chemistry concepts.