Ideal Mate Characteristics
Ideal Mate Characteristics Among Low-Income and Racially Diverse Couples
Presenter: Rian Dixon
Hannah Brownlee, Andrea D. Ramirez, Angela Shaw
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Spring
Faculty Mentor: Teresa Nguyen
Department: Psychology
Funding Source/Sponsor: Koret Scholars Program
President's Strategic Plan Goal: Diversity and Social Justice
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Research has identified that racially diverse and low income couples are experiencing lower rates of marriage and higher rates of divorce. Previous hypotheses state that socially and economically disadvantaged individuals are less likely to marry due to the absence of “marriageable” partners (Lichter et al., 1992). There has been little regard for sociocultural and economic factors that may play a role in the decision to marry based on the fact that previous studies examining the characteristics of the ideal “marriageable” partner and attraction have been sampled from predominantly white, middle class, college students with an emphasis on the attributes of the individual (eg., attractiveness, personality). The aim of this longitudinal study was to identify which positive attributes are of great significance to low income and ethnically diverse couples and to observe how factors related to socioeconomic status and race could influence how individuals conceptualize the most salient and desirable attributes of a marital partner.