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How the Negative Middle Eastern Stereotype was Created

Presenter: Paul J DePrima

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor:

Department: English

Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium

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My final project is on how the stereotype of the Middle East came about, including which events throughout history have added to and cemented the stereotype of the evil Middle Eastern Terrorist into the minds of many American’s today. Unfortunately for the Middle East there have been quite a few events that have harmed its reputation and encouraged Americans to end up looking at it differently than they had before. However only two of these events reached a national scale in terms of changing public opinion towards the Middle East, of these 2 events , 1 was changing public opinions subtly without them even knowing it, causing the most damage by far in terms of cementing the stereotype in the minds of young children.