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Greek Life Experiences Among Latino Students

Presenter: Jaime Cortez Jimenez

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 22-23

Semester: Spring

Faculty Mentor: Patricia Kim-Rajal

Department: Chicano and Latino Studies

Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project

President's Strategic Plan Goal: Diversity and Social Justice

This research will assist undergraduate college students to gain a better understanding of Latino men’s performance of masculinity in how it has both influenced and harmed them within their fraternity involvement. Latino students who join fraternities have been noted to be forced by their peers to engage in certain activities like hazing, alcohol consumption, and sexual violence. (Bowker, 2012). However, Latino fraternity members also tend to perceive significant value in building community through brotherhood, networking with one another, and gaining support through mentorship and guidance. It is important to acknowledge their whole personal experiences while participating in Greek Life organizations at predominantly white institutions to fully understand how these fraternities work to serve diverse student populations at the university. The purpose of this study is to recognize if Latino fraternity members are aware of active masculinity dynamics within student-led national organizations. Through developing in-depth interviews, I provide insight into masculine vulnerability by recording their experiences in fraternity organizations as men of color. By having the opportunity and consent to document their stories anonymously, this research will examine the value of Latino men while representing themselves and navigating their participating Greek Life organizations.