The German School System
Inaccessibility - Is Gesamtschule the Best Solution?
Presenter: Hannah Elizabeth Lodge
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Spring
Faculty Mentor: Michaela Grobbel
Department: Modern Languages & Literatures
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This project investigates whether or not the current tiered school system disadvantages students in Germany of a minority background (minority meaning: one who belongs to an ethnic, cultural, socio-economic minority, or one who is disabled physically or mentally. My findings show that Germany’s public school system has been systemically failing to provide equal opportunities in education for a large percentage of students on the basis of income, ethnicity, and minority status. I conclude with the suggestion that a comprehensive school model similar to Gesamtschule, along with the elimination of Sonderschule and Förderschule, would greatly be of benefit to all students in Germany.