"Father of Chicano Theater"
Presenter: Ashley Estrada
Devon Keetly, Delylah Orozco
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Department: Chicano and Latino Studies
Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium
Screenshot URL: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1mus1GeZ0RGj4e6f_faICZOnAlh-LqPdi
Luis Valdez is a well known man in Chicano and Latino community. Our journey into his life depicted a man who emphasizes entertainment with instruction. While his stance on life, history, and politics has been abundantly clear, he presented his point of view in a distinct manner: full of humor, color, and respect towards what he aimed to represent. During his most prominent time, it was difficult for the chicano and latino community to further their rights due to their general alienation. It took well known names like Cesar Chavez and Delores Huerta to encourage their community organization for their rights, but they still lacked some of the necessary education for true change. Nevertheless, Valdez’s passion for theaterwork became his method to enlighten others about the injustices they faced during the 1970s. The following encompasses a brief summary of Luis Valdez and the following work he is well known for. In addition, the project also covers his background, accomplishments, and approach to activist challenges.