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Fashion as a Feminist Tool

Princess Diana and the "Power Suit"

Presenter: Kylie Perreira

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Spring

Faculty Mentor: Anne-Louise Dierkes

Department: Art

Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium

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During my research, I examined the fashion of women in the 1980s, and how they utilized that fashion to express their power. I wished to understand how women used fashion to their advantage to continue the fight for equality with men. In my research, I came across the "power suit". The "power suit" is a pantsuit that both men and women would wear, however, many women of the decade wore it to express their power in their workplace. One of the most famous women to wear this "power suit" was Princess Diana. Princess Diana often wore designer pantsuits that provided a diplomatic, royal style. However, while Princess Diana is a great example of the power of fashion, she was a royal figure, wearing designer "power suits". Because I hoped to understand how women used fashion as a feminist tool in the workplace, I research more of the common working woman's style, as well. I found that while they did not wear designer clothes to work every day, the "power suit" was still the main fashion staple for working women.

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