Exploring Lived Realities Through Activist Literature
Presenter: Kaitlyn Richardson
Presenter Status: Graduate student
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Spring
Faculty Mentor:
Department: English
Funding Source/Sponsor: Koret Scholars Program
Screenshot URL: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1Br9AF839XGu4WMlju-WyX9A189_Y0g0P
My research revolved around finding equitable pedagogies that center and honor the lived experiences of students. My goal was to find methods of teaching that hold space for students to explore their identities within the classroom, as well as recognize the unique experiences of their peers and how they may or may not relate to their own. To do so, I analyzed a variety of books, ranging from Black, Queer Radical Feminist theory and Activist theory, to books centered on Abolitionist and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogical theory, and finally Young Adult Fiction that may represent the lived experiences of students inside and outside of the classroom.