Environment and Music in the 1980s
Presenter: Brittany Trebil
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Fall
Faculty Mentor: Beth Ann Turner
Department: Music
Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium
Screenshot URL: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1N7LREygLDteQmFg1KWDDtKnxfHfd0Cu0
This project is an online interactive map using arcGIS that explores the relationship between environmental topics and music lyrics from the 1980s. The Environmental topics range from environmental laws and policies, to hurricanes and earthquakes, to chemical and oil spills. Each topic has an associated lyric from a 1980s song that relates to the topic in one way or another. There is an embedded Spotify playlist to listen to all the songs mentioned in the project to listen along. I was really intrigued by the interactive Coronavirus map created by John Hopkins University and family camping trips growing up inspired my love for the environment, so I created this interactive map to showcase the 1980s environment and music
Link: https://arcg.is/1S0qyb1