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Electric Car

Presenter: Joshua Paine

Armando Santos-Landa, Thomas Swanson

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 19-20

Semester: Spring

Faculty Mentor: Farid Farahmand

Department: Engineering

Funding Source/Sponsor: Koret Scholars Program


A ground up collaborative effort between the electrical engineering and art departments. Electrical engineers got their hands dirty working in the metal shop learning how to weld and fabricate metal. The first step in building a vehicle is to build the chassis. the next step in building a vehicle is to get the chassis rolling. To do this we had to design and fabricate the frame, the rear drive mounting, and the front steering. The frame was built out of tubular aluminum while the rear drive mounts and the front steering hangers were made out of steel. Our goal for this project was to have a rolling chassis by end of term.