Dungeons and Dragons
Satanic Panic of the 1980s
Presenter: Cooper J Perry
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Fall
Faculty Mentor: Hillary Homzie
Department: Communication & Media Studies
Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium
Screenshot URL: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1oECUecaNGZRtWEdlhQ9mcZjeyq5VX6Gx
This podcast style video was made for my Syrce project on the 1980s. My focus was on the satanic panic that happened around Dungeons and Dragons, pushed by the Christian right-wing. They claimed that the magic in the game cursed the people who played it and caused them to do horrendous acts, such as suicide and murder. This video of my friends and I playing D&D was made to show how inaccurate the claims about the game were. My friends and I played the version of the game that was around in the early '80s to be as true to the time period as possible while playing socially distanced.